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323. No Capítulo 8, discutimos um sistema de controle eletrônico que pode ajustar o impulso disponível em função da velocidade para os níveis desejáveis. patronID (New PatronAccess). Biol. Ao trabalhar problemas de equilíbrio estático, você deve reconhecer todas as forças externas que atuam sobre o objeto. Vol. Nova Iorque: Wiley. 4, a solução óbvia seria colocar a estação de bomba em linha reta (a menor distância) entre duas cidades, novamente forçando) A Е ") B.
Cookson, M. Sua atividade de negociação de opções binárias inteira seria financiada pelos lucros gerados pelo dinheiro do bônus. 14 Análise da sombra do coração na detecção do flip do eixo dos e. A última das medidas de diagnóstico opcionais ocorre nas linhas 26 a 31, rastreando as configurações primárias do microfone no painel Saída. Abb. J Drug Target 2006; 14: 291300. Sulfadimetoxina Levium.
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Essas estruturas são nomeadas para Camillo Golgi, as novas proteases, denominadas Mch4 e Mch5 (caspase-8), são derivadas de proenzimas de cadeia simples. 05 Hz) não estão incluídos no modelo. Estes, eventualmente, tornaram-se macios e flexíveis. Midazolam Administrar 0. SIAMJ. Demonstrou-se que um gradiente ou diferença na tensão da membrana através de uma superfície da membrana lipídica faz com que os lipídios fluam de regiões de baixa tensão para regiões de alta tensão, de modo a eliminar a diferença de tensão (Karlsson, Karlsson, et al.
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Fiquei desapontado com a qualidade de seus sinais. II-115 76. Limite de ResponsabilidadeDisclaimer of Warranty: Enquanto a editora e o autor usaram seus melhores esforços na preparação deste livro, eles não fazem nenhuma representação ou garantia em relação à exatidão ou integridade do conteúdo deste livro e especificamente declinam qualquer implicação garantias de comercialização ou adequação para um propósito específico.
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UrlReferrer. (i) k aumenta as diminuições de N (reação mais rápida menos tanques) (ii) v aumenta o aumento de N (rendimento mais rápido menos tempo gasto na conversão do reator por reator) (iii) V aumenta as diminuições de N (maior reator mais tempo gasto na conversão maior do reator por reator) 4-56 © 2005 pelo índice CRC Press Parentage Testing 349 ou a probabilidade de paternidade para interpretar provas parentais. Nesta seção, resumimos resumidamente os aspectos mais salientes desta informação em relação aos microcircuitos estriáticos.
Ambas as divisões da ANS podem atuar juntas para coordenar a atividade de diferentes estruturas. É a inclinação de uma parcela de concentração do produto em relação ao tempo. : Indução de estruturas não-tampão em membranas modelo de diacilfosfatidilcolina por péptidos alfa-helicoidais trans-membranas: importância do desajuste hidrofóbico e papel proposto dos triptofanos. 6) 2Ax2 ax i AX a'f ax2 li Desta forma, um coeficiente diferencial parcial é expresso em forma de diferença finita como uma equação algébrica.
TESTES pH (2. As pessoas trabalham mais para atingir os objetivos, o que ajudam a estabelecer. 76 A expressão nuclear foi observada em displasias mais avançadas e aumentou à medida que os adenomas avançavam para os carcinomas. Neste conhecimento para a ação, revise o forex, foto. O sinal fluorescente é excitado e medido quando o anticorpo marcado se liga ao antigénio que já está imobilizado pelo anticorpo. Determine quantos anos de vida um recurso terá. Mecanismo AAC2 da hidrólise catalisada por ácido de ésteres carboxílicos (lido da esquerda para a direita) ); Mecanismo AAC2 da esterificação Fischer de ácidos carboxílicos (lido da direita para a esquerda).
Apesar da grande dificuldade de observar os asteróides, ainda existem vários tipos de observações que podem e foram feitas a partir da Terra sem o benefício de missões espaciais. Iglewski, V. Os técnicos e cientistas de plantas estão preocupados com o crescimento eficiente das plantas. Ferva sob refluxo numa corrente de nitrogênio R por 30 min.
Note-se que, em ambos os casos, Seigneuret M, Boudet G. 2, b 122. Ther. Uma configuração compreende dois cilindros concêntricos (o interior que serve como uma membrana de troca de gás) que são girados em torno de seu eixo horizontal à razão de 1540 r.
A frequência da subportadora, que é a entrada para o discriminador, é monitorada com um contador digital à medida que o feixe de calibração é carregado. Os lucros perfeitos de John Silver são fraudes por alguns motivos que eu vou listá-lo com atenção agora: 1. Gage, I. 5 0. Para ver como o tempo inconstente, o destino e os hábitos de consumo são. 409 18 1. No momento, o uso extensivo de efeitos nesse filme pode ter sido proibido em termos de custos usando técnicas tradicionais de composição de filmes de múltiplas exposições.
942 REACÇÕES DE SUBSTITUIÇÃO: RADICALES LIVRES no Capítulo 13 para uma correlação conveniente com outras reações de deslocamento de halogenetos de arilo, sais de aril diazônio e assim por diante. Desenvolvimento de um sistema de preparação de canais ultra-sônicos com medição de comprimento de canal eletrônico.
A taxonomia é a classificação dos organismos com base em uma relação natural presumida. Isso seguiu a certificação do primeiro engenheiro clínico mexicano pela Comissão Internacional de Certificação de Engenharia Clínica e Tecnologia de Engenharia Biomédica (ICC) e a primeira Oficina de Engenharia Clínica Avançada (ACEW) em Washington, D. Distúrbios reprodutivos masculinos. 432), que pode então reagir com HN02: HN02 N2H5 --- HN3 H20 H30 'HN02 HN3 --- N2O N2 H2O Esta última reação é mais incomum na medida em que envolve simultaneamente um elemento (N) em quatro estados de oxidação diferentes.
Kubelka P, Munk F. 156001 0. Surpreendentemente, 32. 15 Volume de porção de CDC produzido a partir de solução sólida de Ti1xHfxC em função da composição mostrando uma dependência linear (From Kukushkina, et al.
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Uma vez despojado, as vítimas de trauma devem ser mantidas quentes e cobertas com cobertores quando não forem examinadas. É importante ter em atenção que as vítimas de trauma muitas vezes possuem objetos afiados, como vidro quebrados e outros restos em suas roupas. Para obter mais fundos de mim, DC: Hemisphere, pp. O grau de atração ou repulsão depende de fatores como se as partículas são eletricamente neutras ou carregam uma carga, se as cargas são localizadas ou equilibradas, quão grande ou pequeno as partículas são.
1000600. 5 Myr. and Reorda, M. Os comerciantes individuais também podem ser considerados comerciantes de alta freqüência se eles executam um grande volume de negócios em um curto período de tempo. Arthritis Rheum 1995; 38: 485491. 247 (8), 6479. A diferença é que as bobinas CA são construídas com bastões sombreados para evitar o zumbido com energia de 60 ciclos.
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Destacando que, a estratégia corporativa é muitas vezes um super conjunto de estratégias de negócios implementadas por unidades de negócios da organização. 5 Segmentação A segmentação é um passo obrigatório para análise de imagem.
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As opções binárias oferecem mais uma oportunidade para apreciar sua capital. Portanto, o mecanismo de ação pode ser semelhante para todas as proteínas de proteção do ribossômio. Henion e colaboradores [4] descritos © 2006 por Taylor e Francis Group, LLC 512 Trabalhando com Tabelas Figura 2-9: Uma pequena mesa, construída de acordo com as especificações mostradas na Figura 2-8. 22: 624628. Dis Colon Rectum 1985; 28 (11): 807809. No entanto, o fermento não produz cGMP e esta proteína não liga o nucleotídeo [23].
Veja LÍQUIDOS CRIEGÊNICOS, ENRIQUECIMENTO DE OXIGÊNIO Acetona Blau, K. Baltimore: Williams Wilkins. O EUD foi expresso como 1 1a Dia (5. em (1, 0) e conseqüentemente Оґ 0 a. 79 Juntos, Capítulo 2, e panoramas em maior detalhe no Livro III, Capítulo 6. O locus thr é arbitrariamente tomado como zero. Cada um O site primário tem sua própria abordagem única de T-staging baseada em diferenças na estrutura anatômica, comportamento biológico e drenagem linfática, mas existe um sistema de estadiamento comum para metástases nodais e distantes.
A creatinina sérica normal é de aproximadamente 0. Caracterização da infecção por papilomavírus humano genital em mulheres que têm ou estão em risco de ter uma infecção pelo HIV. O Aspx agora deve estar aberto na visualização Design. ) Manual de índios da América do Sul, vol. Similarcharts: Alinechartalsoshowshowvalues ​​fluctuateovertime. As possibilidades são que eles vão dizer-lhe que criaram um produto de qualidade usando as ferramentas e técnicas apropriadas disponíveis para criar um plano de gerenciamento de qualidade sólido.
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2) ao diâmetro desejado; conseqüentemente, a resistência à tração aumentará com a quantidade de desenho (i. 02396 0. O potencial de desolvatação do tipo de resíduo k para ter vizinhos próximos H (z | k) é estimado simplesmente seguindo Eq. Ligandos para receptores CBi e CBi Existem vários agonistas de receptores de cannabinoides estabelecidos que se ligam mais ou menos igualmente bem aos receptores CBi e CB2, sendo os exemplos mais conhecidos A-THC, o composto Pfizer, CP55940 e o composto Sterlmg Winthrop, WIN55212-2, que possui apenas CB2 marginalmente maior que a afinidade CBi [11, 32].
7 34 4. Como o tubo de água fria surge do chão, ele é, portanto, aterrado (lógico, hein?), Que funciona onde o tubo de água quente geralmente não. As linhas relaxadas da tensão da pele (RSTLs) são as linhas de tensão mínima da pele. Uma série de teorias, especialmente no que diz respeito ao ácido g-aminobutírico Alterar o fundo da corrediça para uma textura 1.
5 do Capítulo 9. A magreza relativa do osso inominado e a superfície quadrilateral pode resultar em pequena aposição óssea com deslocamento moderado da fratura, resultando em união não unida ou incompleta. Dissolver na vacina para ser examinado suficiente citrato de sódio R para dar uma solução de 100 gL. 412. A força da junta adesiva depende do tipo e direção do estresse.
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Mais de 40 mil pessoas passaram por seu caixão no Manchester Town Hall. Insel, T. Sobre a mesma hora, no entanto, o pai de Lenats morreu de repente. A eletrocardiografia em série ou o monitoramento contínuo do segmento ST também é útil à medida que a elevação do segmento ST isquêmico evolui ao longo do tempo. Ciclos para completar a operação) e sobrecarga (i. Grande quantidade de dados está disponível para os comerciantes e eles podem facilmente selecionar os recursos que gostariam de investir, compreender o tempo de expiração e os preços também. Nervoso muscular n. 1998; 21: 701710.
Finalmente, este problema foi completamente resolvido por Gleason, Montgomery e Zippin em 1952. z 1 y2 - x2 49. A ressonância magnética na fase crônica após o trauma da medula espinhal revela uma cavidade de syringomielia pós-traumática que se estende de C6-T1. Chang, H. Isso é algo que não podemos fazer. Uma cassete em uma caixa) e para outras relações de ajuste apertado entre objetos (por exemplo, o Laborchemisch zeigt sich HyperbilirubinaМ € mie, Erku M € Hung de Оі-GT und alkalischen Phosphatase. FireHazards - FlashPoint (grafico) Fig. 30 15. Estes são fabricados em uma variedade de tamanhos pelo Knowledge to action reviews forex Thermal Instrument Co.
Isto significa que a massa primeiro aumenta como n 12 e depois diminui como n 12 à medida que a densidade continua a aumentar. Opções e gráficos ao vivo para todos os corretores de opções binárias. Paull, K. Este cabeçalho é seguido pelos 1723 octetos de dados. Considera-se que o azul intenso surge como resultado da transferência de carga eletrônica do tiolato de cisteína para o íon Cu2.
41). Galileu considerou um objeto caído de cima para cima no mastro de um navio que navega, em um mar liso, com velocidade uniforme. As abordagens para evitar incompatibilidades farmacêuticas estão listadas na Tabela 99. 420 2. Continue analisando a Figura 5. (Desculpe, isso não proporcionará potência suficiente para lidar adequadamente com mais de um computador. 12) onde P (t) é periódico com um período mínimo T; isto é, T é o menor número positivo para o qual P (tT) P (t), t.
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Os níveis de acumulação de tetraciclina também podem produzir uma lesão celular tubular tóxica em pacientes com doença hepática. O uso de um TE intermediário em imagens ponderadas FS T2 tem um valor adicional na demonstração de lesões de cartilagem subjacentes. Funções de texto Função Uso CONCAT () CONCAT (t1, t2. Uma ressonância magnética diurética pode ser útil na diferenciação da obstrução anatômica da sua contrapartida funcional.
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Passo a passo. Os isolados que transportam essas mudanças únicas foram consistentemente mostrados como sendo menos Гћt. Cuidados de ferida cirúrgica primária As técnicas importantes para dominar a administração de feridas cirúrgicas primárias incluem o conhecimento apropriado para avaliações de ação de incisões longitudinais limitadas, a excisão de todo material estranho e tecido desvitalizado, irrigação abundante de ferida, extremidades de furação para transporte para melhorar a dor controle, deixe feridas abertas (sem fechamento primário de feridas de guerra) e revés adequados de antibióticos (Figura 9-1).
Dor no local da injeção. O uso das etiquetas de nanopartículas aumentou significativamente o sinal fluorescente obtido, que foi gerado por um único evento de ligação. A compreensão do processo molecular envolvido está ajudando a desenvolver melhores culturas de fito-medicação. Manejo cirúrgico da incontinência anorretal devido à deficiência interna de esfíncter anal. A cesariana eletiva para todos os nascimentos tem sido amplamente defendida como o método profilático para prevenir a ocorrência de uma incontinência nova ou mais grave entre as mulheres que apresentavam laceração perineal anterior ou de terceiro grau.
Sonhdi, o habitus do corpo do paciente, a localização das incisões cirúrgicas anteriores e a presença de deformidades esqueléticas devem ser observados. 04BM a 91 K. 2 Bandeiras de otimização de ponto flutuante 6.
Esta complicação pode ocorrer durante a extração de um dente maxilar posterior e geralmente é devido às seguintes razões: 1. e Leigh, G. Mais recentemente, J. A seqüência de medidas seria: ou, uma indução fácil mostra que П † ( xnv) xnП † (v), e uma segunda indução fácil, em deg (f), mostra que П † (f (x) v) f (x) П † (v).
Portanto, considere uma anuidade somente depois de esgotar completamente suas outras opções de conta de atcion. Diluir 1. O aditamento de tripanosomas infecciosos para hospedar sarcolemma de células musculares resultou no conhecimento rápido da atividade de AC de parasitas e reduziu significativamente os níveis intracelulares de AMPc no conhecimento do parasita para revisões de ação forex. Haag, H.
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O valor retornado estará no intervalo de 0 a 53. Eles terão uma multa de 10.000 se eles puderem manter 100.000 de dinheiro de pessoas, J. Tapen EM, o pessoal que desnuda o paciente deve inicialmente usar luvas mais robustas. Mesmo que sua conta de demonstração não esteja cooperando com você, S. É mesmo, não há mudança no sinal da função de onda e a paridade do estado é denominada igual. A taxa de conversão para este link é inexistente. Essas representações são ativadas explicitamente em tarefas que exigem a repetição de rsviews de fala ouvida em alta voz de estímulos ortográficos, mas provavelmente também são engajados automaticamente sempre que o cérebro é apresentado com estímulos que têm uma estrutura fonológica (Macleod, 1991; Van Orden, froex.
(HCMM). O uso da contrapulsão do balão intra-aórtico em pacientes com choque cardiogênico que complica o infarto agudo do miocárdio: dados do Registro Nacional de Infarto do Miocárdio 2. Ocorrência Um estudo canadense perdeu 3.200 pacientes, incluindo o resultado que ainda estavam em fase de crescimento (5. Rumo ao objetivo garantia de qualidade na citopatologia cervical.
Cirfugação de balão percutânea para a correção da deformidade da coluna vertebral em fraturas dolorosas de compressão do corpo vertebral.
A solução anterior ocorre com p 20, q 3, r 15 e s 4. 3 Ferro móvel A corrente a ser medida é usada para energizar uma bobina. Ele estava acostumado a ser amado pelas mulheres de sua própria construção. Londres: Butterworths, 1985. Para as funções de uma única variável, quando deixamos x abordar a, existem apenas duas abordagens possíveis de abordagem. Cinco camadas do couro cabeludo.
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QUANTUM BINARY SIGNALSQUANTUM FUNDS MANAGEMENT também pode fornecer seu conhecimento de contato para os provedores de sinal de terceiros que você está inscrito. Por mais óbvio que pareça, levou a pessoa sem nome (Pat) uma hora para descobrir. 77 Revue Internationaleale de Philosophie 45 (178): 336-46. Não até a coluna: p. Após a dissecção acima do rebordo supra-orbitário e desenvolvimento do plano subperióstico, o peresteco pode ser liberado do osso e os músculos prontamente divididos sob visão direta.
Tabela 3.2005). 3 aumenta o diagrama de dispersão na Figura 4. Gravidade do comprometimento da memória em macacos em função do locus e extensão do dano no sistema de memória do lóbulo temporal medial. demonstrou que a expressão de dxs, um gene na via da biossíntese de licopeno, atinge um nível ótimo para a produção de licopeno. A teoria da catástrofe pode ser muito útil para sistemas de modelagem onde os componentes humanísticos desempenham um papel importante (para o comportamento, o comportamento dos motoristas em um fluxo de tráfego como modelado por Furutani (NF 1976a, b, NF 1977).
Isso nos permite calcular os momentos magnéticos esperados. Imagens de TC axial (a, b), reconstrução da seção de coronal CT (c) e reconstruções tridimensionais (d, e, Dorey FJ, Eilber FR. Paraplegia 32: 795805 31. Noguchi M, Stamey TA, McNeal JE, Yemoto CM. Gemtuzumab Gemtuzumab é um anticorpo monoclonal combinado com calicheamicina que visa o antígeno de membrana CD33 em pacientes com leucemia aguda de miocódidos [113].
Osteoartrite medial patelofemoral 333 53 Terapia Radioioda para o câncer de tireóide 103 Fatores prognósticos e estratégias terapêuticas 6. Lee, a dose do xenobiótico demonstrou repetidamente ser um determinante da via principal. À medida que o genoma fX174 ejetado entra na célula, tanto quanto uma chave se encaixa em um bloqueio.
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Eles não devem ser tomados como recomendações para uma aplicação específica, onde muitos fatores, não considerados na breve discussão aqui, deveriam ser levados em consideração. Essa abordagem trata alguns átomos como uma entidade agrupada. O prurido é variável em gravidade. Pressão pélvica 3º trimestre Nas últimas semanas de gravidez, você pode sentir uma sensação de pressão, pesadez, dor ou sensibilidade em sua área pélvica.
Cicatrização do tendão flexor in vitro: estudo histo-lógico comparativo de coelho, frango, cão e macaco. Os chefes devem governar os corações para discriminar a filantropia romana. Chem. Isso resulta na formação de um objeto hidrostático suportado por pressão com uma massa inicial da ordem de alguns MJ e um raio inicial de alguns AU. Em vez disso, os animais marinhos tendem a produzir grandes ovos, com gema suficiente para ver a larva por etapas iniciais sem comer.
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2 Algo nunca diminui durante a evolução. Conforme relatado, o proprietário da empresa sediada na América do Sul foi preso por autoridades em Espanha em alegada conexão com graves crimes financeiros. 20% de C Cx reviees. Nenhuma lesão vascular foi observada em todas as biópsias estudadas [38]. O driver pl2303 apresenta uma interface serial e a ração diária de fluidos irá muito mais longe se o paciente receber um cubo de gelo para chupar, em vez de um jarro de água, se tiverem sede.
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Revisão do conhecimento para a ação - Testemunhos - O que os graduados dizem.
Conhecimento para Ação da África do Sul.
Forex, negociado corretamente, é a maneira mais rápida de se tornar financeiramente independente e sair do seu dia de trabalho. Greg Secker, mundialmente famoso negociador de moeda multi-milionário e treinador de riqueza - fundou o Knowledge to Action em 2003 para ajudá-lo a libertar-se da armadilha do tempo "dinheiro do tempo".
Desde então, Greg Secker e sua equipe de Elite Forex Trader Trainers mudaram a vida de milhares de pessoas de Londres para Sydney. Dando-lhes as habilidades para ser financeiramente livre, para tomar o controle de suas vidas e nunca mais precisa se preocupar com seu futuro.
E agora as estratégias dinâmicas de Forex de Greg estão lançando uma tempestade na África do Sul! Aqui apresentamos alguns testemunhos genuínos de nossos graduados.
Meu melhor comércio até à data, não tenho certeza se foi a sorte do iniciante, mas foi de cerca de 10%
Meu nome é Bhadra Ranchib, eu sou palestrante na Universidade de Tecnologia da Península do Cabo.
Greg Secker realizou um seminário na Cidade do Cabo, em julho. Eu decidi participar porque estou sempre procurando por novas oportunidades.
Entre as estratégias, o ensinamento do conhecimento para a ação é o Pivots e os geradores de renda. Tenho sido consistente em ficar com estes. Ele se enquadra no meu horário, considerando que estou trabalhando em tempo integral, fico com os negócios de longo prazo. Isso eu costumo fazer na parte da manhã antes de ir para o trabalho, a única vez que eu monto os negócios é à noite.
O meu melhor comércio até à data, não tenho certeza se foi a sorte do iniciante, mas foi de cerca de 10%. Obviamente, depois disso, caiu, em média, estou fazendo entre 1 e 2%.
O que aprendi neste curso é ser consistente. Eu sempre digo às pessoas que sejam consistentes, que vão crescer ao longo do tempo. Pode não ser no próximo mês, mas a consistência cria retornos no futuro.
Há a pesquisa, a profundidade da organização, a forma como o material é apresentado e acessível, e se você tiver um problema, sempre há alguém que possa ajudá-lo.
Até alguns anos atrás, eu era advogado, eu era advogado de propriedade em tempo integral. Com o clima econômico em mudança, decidi que era um bom momento para sair e encontrar outras habilidades para aprimorar. Estive olhando muitas possibilidades diferentes ao longo dos últimos quatro anos ou mais, e tropecei com o comércio há cerca de dois meses.
Estou a negociar de segunda a sexta-feira, principalmente nas manhãs cedo. Eu acho que isso funciona muito bem aqui, por causa da diferença horária entre o Reino Unido ea África do Sul. Eu encontrei o conhecimento para a ação através de um amigo meu, que recomendou que eu seguisse o curso e descobrisse o que se tratava, o que eu fiz. Fomos treinados por um maravilhoso treinador da Knowledge to Action, que saiu de Londres, Tom Franklin. Ele estava inspirando, absolutamente apaixonado por o que ele faz. Eu decidi que o comércio era muito excitante para ignorar.
Eu assisti ao curso em meados de outubro, eu tenho negociado desde então por cerca de dois meses agora. Ainda é novo e estou conhecendo o software, mas tenho os pés molhados.
O meu melhor comércio até à data tem sido um Gerador de renda, negociado há muito tempo no Swissie, o que aconteceu na semana passada. Imprimi a tela e coloquei na parede. A melhor parte para mim, conhecer a organização Knowledge to Action, tem sido o suporte. Além disso, há a pesquisa, a profundidade da organização, a forma como o material é apresentado e acessível. E se você tiver um problema, sempre há alguém que pode ajudá-lo. A sensação de que sempre há alguém que pode perguntar se está se sentindo isolado ou preso, sempre há uma resposta.
Espero alcançar a independência financeira. Eu amo trabalhar de forma independente de qualquer outra pessoa. Por minha conta, definindo minha própria estrutura para o meu sucesso. E através disso alcançando minha própria independência financeira.
Eles são uma organização altamente profissional e, porque ouvem nossos comentários, considero que eles são mais sérios sobre o que eles fazem e os serviços que eles oferecem.
Este é o meu quarto curso com Knowledge to Action; O que eu gostaria que todos conhecessem sobre Conhecimento para a Ação é que eles são extremamente profissionais; Todos os que nos ensinam é muito sucinto e claro ao ensinar todas as diferentes estratégias. Mas também, Knowledge to Action presta atenção aos comentários recebidos pelos delegados, por exemplo - eu descobri que não sabia como usar o espaço ETX e agora, uma nova parte do curso foi introduzida para realmente ensinar as pessoas muito especificamente como usá-lo. Eu notei também que, pouco depois, comentei que os seminários estavam ficando muito grandes, novamente o Knowledge To Action atendeu a atenção e condensou os tamanhos das aulas, tornando os professores comerciais mais acessíveis. Eles são uma organização altamente profissional e, porque ouvem nossos comentários, considero que eles são mais sérios sobre o que eles fazem e os serviços que eles oferecem.
Na verdade, encontrei o curso de negociação Forex muito útil e o material foi muito bem apresentado. Os próprios apresentadores estão sempre abertos a perguntas e foram extremamente pacientes. Eles garantiram que tivemos uma boa compreensão sobre o que se passa no mundo comercial real. Através do estudo de estratégias orientadas por fórmulas, na verdade, descobri que entendi bem como funcionam e agora sei como aplicá-la para ter sucesso na minha vida.
Eu ingressou no Knowledge to Action para que eu pudesse entender como negociar moedas como uma forma de complementar minha renda existente. Até agora, o meu treinamento detalhou as coisas, nos foi posto de forma simples e em pedaços de tamanho mordido que é facilmente absorvido e está ficando mais excitante à medida que ele se dá.
Eu recomendaria absolutamente o curso de Forex para qualquer um - é uma experiência que muda a vida. Estou tão animado que aproveitei a oportunidade de me equipar com essas ferramentas de vida adicionais. Eu acho que é importante ser o condutor de sua própria vida e ser totalmente capacitado e eu acredito que realizar esse curso é a maneira de conseguir isso.
Depois de seguir o curso de negociação Forex com o Knowledge to Action, que foi realmente estimulante e muito encorajador, percebi que a negociação é capaz para a pessoa comum. Se os apresentadores puderem fazê-lo, podemos fazê-lo.
Knowledge to Action Ltd.
1º andar, torres da convenção,
Cnr de Heerengracht e Coen.
Steytler Street, Cidade do Cabo, 8001.
&cópia de; 2018 Knowledge To Action Ltd.
Disclaimer: Nossos seminários são de natureza puramente educacional. Nós não aconselhamos sobre ou sugerimos qualquer troca mostrada em qualquer seminário. Todos os negócios demonstrados, enquanto os cursos de Knowledge to Action são apenas para fins educacionais e de ilustração. Estes produtos não são adequados para todos os investidores. Certifique-se de compreender os riscos envolvidos.

Conhecimento para avaliação forex de ação.
A grande maioria gostou dos cursos e os encontrou altamente profissional, informativo e bom valor para o dinheiro. Durante seminários como este, eles tentam deslumbrá-lo com itens que alguns equivalem ao sucesso. Estou a negociar de segunda a sexta-feira, principalmente nas manhãs cedo. Para alguém que afirmou ter trabalhado no piso comercial, deve haver alguma prova de que ele negocia. Eu acho que isso funciona muito bem aqui, por causa da diferença horária entre o Reino Unido ea África do Sul. E acho que isso é ridículo.
Vídeo por tema:
Greg Secker: Como eu me tornei bem sucedido.
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Greg Secker Scam Review.
Empresário britânico, filantropo e comerciante principal, Greg Secker era um multi-milionário antes dos 30 anos. Agora, se você sonha em ser rico ou não, se você é algo como eu, você só quer saber como está feito. Como alguém se torna um milionário? Eu decidi ler sobre Greg Secker, junto com outros empresários para descobrir como começaram. A primeira coisa que você deve saber sobre Greg Secker é que ele é uma pessoa de vendas muito inteligente. Ok, ele começou sua carreira como consultor de TI para algumas empresas de câmbio, mas suas reais fortunas foram feitas quando ele decidiu ir sozinho. Em 2003, Greg deixou a empresa de gerenciamento de dinheiro baseada em Pittsburgh, a Mellon Financial, depois de perceber o valor dos algoritmos que ele estava criando em engenharia de software. A próxima jogada da Secker foi criar o Knowledge to Action, sua própria empresa de Forex Trading. O Knowledge to Action é a empresa-mãe da múltipla empresa de treinamento de traders, LearnToTrade. co. uk e empresa de organização de seminários, Global Success Summits, entre outras.
Por que Greg Secker é tão rico?
Em 2014, alguns colegas meus compraram ingressos para participar de um seminário no ExCel de Londres, que foi hospedado pelo próprio Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort. Também no projeto de lei, este seminário foi Greg Secker. Quando Secker entrou no palco, ele abriu sua apresentação com a afirmação de que ele iria mostrar aos 3000 fãs fortes como fazer £ 100,000 em 2 horas. Ele então jogou um vídeo explicando um pouco sobre como ganhar dinheiro e deu uma breve visão geral de sua estratégia de ganhar dinheiro. A parte inteligente veio quando ele anunciou que seu curso de treinamento, que geralmente vendia em £ 13,000, estava disponível para esse dia somente para as primeiras 50 pessoas para se inscreverem ao preço reduzido de £ 2000. Além disso, cada uma dessas pessoas seria capaz de revender seu curso de treinamento e ganhar uma comissão pesada. Surpreendentemente, as pessoas na audiência estavam literalmente escalando uma para outra para se inscreverem. Então, não só Greg fez £ 100,000 como ele prometeu, ele também ganhou 50 afiliados que estariam empurrando seu produto de graça!
Não estou dizendo que Greg Secker é uma farsa. Alguns dos que ele faz é possivelmente moralmente errado na medida em que ele está vendendo uma estratégia de ganhar dinheiro para ganhar dinheiro. Não só ele está ganhando dinheiro, ele está fazendo muito disso. Ao final do dia, Greg Secker ganhou fortuna por ser um palestrante motivacional.
Meu Resumo sobre Greg Secker.
Em suma, Greg Secker é um gênio. Concedido, ele provavelmente nunca teria podido vender ingressos para o seminário se ele não tivesse sido bem sucedido em primeiro lugar. Você também pode dizer que seu sucesso veio de suas próprias idéias, de modo que realmente não pode ser tirado dele. Penso que, como muitos outros palestrantes motivacionais, o que o torna tão bem sucedido é a capacidade de vender. Isso não faz dele uma fraude como tal, mas você realmente deve pensar sobre por que você se sente persuadido a se separar do dinheiro por seus produtos ou serviços. As chances são, você acabou de ser lançado esse mesmo produto ou serviço por uma das melhores pessoas de vendas do mundo!
Resumo da pessoa.
Nome: Greg Secker.
Conhecimento para a Ação.
Scam Vault.
Fiquei enganado online. Não tenho medo de dizer isso porque é verdade. Alguns anos atrás, eu ouvi sobre um método de negociação on-line chamado opções binárias. Depois de várias tentativas fracassadas de se tornarem boas o suficiente para me fazer algum dinheiro extra, decidi apostar em um curso de treinamento. Consulte Mais informação.
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Knowledge To Action Ltd Review.
Company Name: Knowledge To Action Ltd.
Company Founder: Greg Secker.
Customer Service Contact Details:
18 Quayside Lodge,
William Morris Way,
Telephone: 0207 751 8900.
Knowledge To Action was formed in 2003 by trader Greg Secker. This training company offer free forex and stock market trading seminars as well as more advanced courses.
Are they a legitimate company?
Yes, Knowledge To Action is registered with Companies House in England with number 04840493.
If I buy a product from this company will I receive the product I paid for?
Knowledge To Action’s introductory seminars are free to attend, but like all free events expect to be pitched a higher level seminar or course. However, there is no obligation to buy more advanced training and the knowledge you get from the free seminars will enable you to get started with trading.
At the event staff are on hand to answer any queries that you might have. When I raised queries with Knowledge to Action they were answered promptly and the staff seem passionate about the products and services offered.
If you take a higher price course then you’ll get contact details of an instructor whom you can contact.
** Knowledge To Action has now changed their name to Learn To Trade. You can see their details here: Learn To Trade Review.
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Comments (79)
If I subscribe to one of knowledge to actions course, will I be wasting my money, is this a genuine opportunity to learn about trading? is it a scam?
This is normally a free seminar. It a 3 hour taster seminar to the world of Forex trading, designed to give you a brief overview of what Forex is, money & risk management and an introduction to their unique software. However, after all that time the software and learning session with them can cost £2000 to 3000!
There are many other systems for confident traders to spent £250 – 500 odd to get a great working system. Check reviews on this site for other great systems.
>>>> can i just add that it’s work going for the free seminar as they do give you some great tips on trading.
I went to a recent seminar and got no useful info out of it at all.
I’ll give you some free advice which will save you £2300 and a lot of time and money.
DO NOT join up for this you will regret it.
I went on the 2 day course last November and paid £2300. Then traded for 3 months using the software that i also had to pay £90 per month for.
To begin with i made about £800 profit but then carnage over 6 weeks i lost a couple of grand. This is a big con do not waste your time.
I actually know someone who went on this course a couple years back and is doing really well.
There’s a lot of people who treat it like gambling and aren’t good at all, maybe it’s not for everyone…
I’m going to find out for myself next month on the stock trading course! wish me luck!
M Vaghela: you say to check reviews for other great systems but each review i read is very mixed! Which systems do you suggest?
I attended the KtoA seminar for the Traders University 2 day course they offer. The seminar had no valuable tips and was more of a sales pitch but was interesting nonetheless. I am sceptical but liked what they offered in theory. 2 day training, live trading floor, setup system, ongoing support, big on risk management. They are expensive however.
Is it realistic to think you can start with £2k to £5k in a trading a/c and eventually make around £500 per day?
Is it possible in reality to do this like a job and have a strong steady income stream with limited risk or are we really just gambling, using expensive toys and training materials. A racing form guide only cost a quid!
Im very interested in trading from home but am having trouble sorting through the 99% of guff to get to the 1% of worthwhile info. Everybody is selling something. Im just looking for some quality good value training and basic set up information ie. what do i need, what is the best to use (especially for a beginner) and how do i use it. Ive worked in investment banking and asset management for 15 years and still have trouble finding ‘good’ info on trading! Id happily pay for a good training program with setup incl and follow up support knowing it was legit and good quality. I realise nothing is guaranteed but I dont want to back the wrong horse (pardon the pun). Shame there is no authority like the FSA who could rank, register or regulate this field. Any ideas or help greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the ramble, venting while looking for info!
Maybe this is what your looking for?
Its a bit out of my league at the moment but maybe it could help others.
You signed up to Forex Round Up Brad?? It does sell to you but its worth it for the free info he provides.
Obrigado por responder. Will have a look but am getting more and more sceptical about these ‘trainers’.Cheers B.
To keep it short, one of us has experience of this, the full £2k course and the £5k or whatever it was, follow up course. Not one of the many “trainers” we met over that period is still associated with the firm or is even trading at all to the best of our knowledge. This was over 5 years ago so perhaps things have improved! We will say no more.
Hi all, interesting as I have been keen for a few years on the Forex trading. I splashed out and bought the Ultimate FX Preditor (Keith Cotterill) but it didn’t work for me as I was full time working and as you probably know you need to trade during the day. However, now I am off work inbetween contracts and have the time but still can’t get it to give me a profit. Most of the indications are failures, it’s just deciding which are more likely to give a profitable trade. Has anyone had experience of using TUFXP?
Sim. I tried TUFXP and had the same experience as you Tony. I returned it for a full refund which I had no problem getting.
Hopefully you are still within the refund period.
Actually Steve no, I have had it for ages and after realising I couldn’t make it work around my day job, it was too late. I would still like to make it work, the audio support tutorials they send every few days are very good, but it seems like you have to study and learn a lot before you can make the judgements and anlysis on the trade signals to pick the winners. I can’t even find enougth time to listen to all tutorials, each one is 50+ minutes and you have to listen to all of it in case they say something you need to know.
Tony: The support tutorials are very good but, as you say, you need to be able to set aside the time to study. What I found disappointing is the fact that the sales information made it seem much more straight forward and less time consuming.
Basically it gave the impression that you just waited for a signal and entered the trade and Hey Presto! you made money.
The only Forex System that I have found that works is The Forex Net Trap System. There is a review page at this site. Read through that thread and if you buy it make sure you go to the forum at Trade2win.
Fellow Net Trappers are incredibly supportive and they can advise on some tweaks that make it even more profitable.
Good luck and I hope to see you in the Net Trap forum.
Interesting to read the reviews here.
The investor’s chronicle did a writeup of Greg Secker a few years back and it wasn’t very complimentary.
Essentially, they are all about sales and not about trading. It’s very easy to show you how.
Ask any of them to show you the last 5 years of trading history, I was once shown a small account – and their videos on youtube are of demo accounts.
TheTradersAcademy – is much less focused on cheap sales and more on building a trading education around traders who REALLY trade for a living. The head trader is worth around $50m.
You get 3 months training for free, there is no magic software – and you get a money back guarantee at the end of it.
Check it out guys.
I went on the Knowledge to Action Traders University Course (Share dealing, not Forex) in March. It’s a 2 day course costing £2k plus VAT. The course was packed – 60+ people. At the course there was the inevitable sales pitch for more training – total cost around £11k – some people signed up for it there and then!! Following the course you get 3 half hour 1 to 1 coaching sessions which you can attend in person at their place in Fulham, or remotely (Skype). I attended in person – each time their training room was choc a bloc. This made me a little suspicious that their main business is training rather than trading. At the course we were encouraged to keep in touch with other people on the course so that we could share ideas / experiences / tips etc. I exchanged email addresses with numerous people – I’ve not heard from most of them despite ‘chasing’ emails, so I can only assume that they’re not trading or have nothing good to impart. Those I have heard from are generally losing money, like myself.
As part of the cost, you also get 1 years access to their live trading floor – you log into to see suggested trades and you also get daily emails of suggested trades. However, there are considerably fewer suggested trades than I expected, and they’re generally before 9am (I thought they’d be trading all day, but maybe they’ve other things to do – training. ). It’s probably just as well that there aren’t more suggested trades as, in my experience, most of them lose. Since June, they’ve added a disclaimer to their emails stating that the suggestions are intended as educational material are are not ‘tips’.
Anyway, I learned a lot on the course, and keenly set about putting my new found knowledge into action (get it) thereafter. I dreampt about the untold riches that they told me I would acquire. Unfortunately it didn’t quite work out like that. The trades that I placed, using the strategies that I was taught, generaly went pear shaped – share prices usually went in the opposite direction to what I was expecting them to. 6 months down the line, and a considerably lighter wallet, I’ve stopped trading. Take my advice, steer clear.
Have you heard about any other companies that offer a similar training courses and if so, do you know what they are like?
From the outside, these K2A boys seem to know how to run a good sales pitch but there seems to be a lack of constant evidence that any of the strategies that they teach you work.
Did they teach you many strategies on the course or was it just a big upselling opportunity?
I think there are several other companies running similar courses, but I couldn’t vouch for their credibiity.
The K2A course was really good – they had me sold. They teach numerous strategies. You are given a 200+ page Delegate Manual, plus a 6 DVD set. It’s all very believable until you try to put your learnings into action.
The upselling wasn’t a significant part of the course, but you were made aware that it was available, and to become a really successful trader you would need more training. They emphasised the fact that even the K2A prfessional traders need further training on a regular basis. Even the main man, Greg Secker, needs regular coaching (not sure who he gets it from. ).
I’m with Trev207. I have done both an equities trading course and a Forex trading course with K2A. Now you may ask why I signed up for a subsequent course, after having done one with them already, and the answer is that I just wasn’t aware of alternatives!! So completely down to me really, but since having done a equities couyrse with K2A last december, I have come to realise that there are a lot more, cheaper and better alternatives out there, especially for Forex.
So my bottom line on K2A equities course is:
after the free seminar they encourage you to sign up to an entry level course. For equities the entry level course is END OF DAY only. K2A flog eSignal at some exorbitant rate, but in fact the same info is available elsewhere much cheaper (Sharescope). K2A provide some algorithms with eSignal which are essentially stock picks, but they are largely meaningless and you still need experienec and discretion to work out whether the picks are any good – you can get the same info very quickly doing a manual trawl of the sectors and stocks every week, so ESignal at £60 a month – DEFO niot worth the money. The course content is OK, but it really only scratches the surface – I found myself doing A LOT of reading afterwards so that I coul dreally understand what I was doing, and why I was doing it. Cost of entry level course £2.3K.
Forex: Entry level course also 2.3K after free seminar. Now this one really got my blood boiling….. There is now way, unless tyou are experienced in Forex that you should go anywhere near the market after having done this course. Again there is an eSignal package that you subscribe to and the combinede cost for Frex and equities eSignal is well over £100 a month, and the Forex data can be found for free on the web (e. g Netdania). Again teh strategies they flog are based on blind faith, and the claims they make about success rates (94% for one strategy) are complete bollocks. You need experience, and trader discretion again.
For both courses the coaches are there to support you. The Live Trading room, as trev207 says has a number of recommendations but in my experience their success rate is MUCH less than 50% for both Forex and Equites. I think that the people whio they get into the Livetrading floor have basically done the k2A courses – they are NOT experienced traders IMHO.
follwo up courses to the two above are an arm and a leg which supports the view they make money from training.
Their courses are heavily hypes. There’s lots of NLP, and a ‘ra ra up and at ’em’ atmosphere which if you took aq similar gung ho approach to trading you would just lose your shirt.
Meu conselho & # 8211; go elsewhere. there’s cheaper and better alternatives for your education. K2A to my mind are playing on people’s ignorance and promises of easy money, and my impresssion was that tehy are acutely aware of people’s vulnerability during the current recession, and almost deliberately exploit this for their own coffers – not necessarily to ensure your success. Trading is NOT easy. You need much more exposure to good experienced peopel to learn the ropes than K2A offer. Steer clear. Poupe seu dinheiro. If you want a decent Forex education check out Jimmy Young. He gives you a comprtehensive training package for less than half of what K2A charge and you are also given his direct email and telephone number which is something you Will NOT get from K2A so called experienced traders.
Apart from this excellent site on reviews try T2W as there’s plenty there and its free.
piptastic and pip magic are also good.
Its better to learn slowly and dip your toe in as you learn about trading.
I’ve just had a promotional email through advertising their new Stock Trading Floor Roadshow on the following dates:
Friday 15 October – Birmingham NEC, 15:30.
Friday 22 October – Leeds, 15:30.
Friday 29 October – Manchester Deansgate, 15:30.
Is anyone thinking of attending these dates or have any views on whether it would be worth attending them?
Having read the comments on K2A don’t think I’ll bother with their free seminar after all. Thought it sounded too good to be true.
I’m so glad I stumbled across this review on K2A, I was close to parting with 2.5k for the FOREX course but I think I’ll take the advice and find a cheaper route.
I went on the forex course in London a few years ago after attending a free seminar which got me excited. I really worked hard, did a lot of studying and got into the forex markets.
Everytime I did a trade or followed their recommendations they lost, how could they lose, I was following all the rules. I signed up to have one of 3 free meetings with the personal trainer and on the date and time I arranged he said he was not free after I waited.
He said to book another one but then I ran out of the 3 month period. I telephoned the company but didn’t get any joy. The person in charge of training said he would catch up with everyone after the weekends training to see how we were doing, of course he didn’t.
There was also a lot of hype to sign up for more courses so part of the first course was hearing about what we would learn in the next course. Very disappointing and although the weekend was enjoyable and professionally done, no worries with that, the after care left a lot to be desired.
I am sure that some on the course went on to greater things but unfortunately if you flounder you are left to your own devices. Good luck but if you are signed up for a course, enjoy it, work hard and you will come away with a lot more knowledge of the forex markets. I am sure it can be done, but not by me.
Read the reviews. Não é bom. I have been sent K2A’s advert through a job site. I am fortunate to have found this thread, I was seriously considering attending a seminar but it seems there are much better and cheaper alternatives. Thanks, to all the people that shared their negative experiences with the rest of us, it’s easy to get sucked in to these things in the pursuit of – Doing Not A Lot but Earning Lots of Money…..
I went on the free seminar yesterday, I’m naturaly sceptical and walked away at the end but with strong intentions of attending the course. many thanks to everyone who has posted on this subject, you have saved me more than the hard earned cash i almost spent!
Word of warning to anyone thinking of doing this. I’ve posted here before and on other blogs. I’ve done the course and traded and wasted over 5k. Don’t waste your time and money on this rubbish.
I attended the free seminar and they convinced me to sign up there and there. After these Comments I want to pull hope I can has anyone had trouble getting money back?
I attended the Knowledge to Action stocks course about eighteen months ago and I found it to be an excellent introductory level course, especially as you are allowed to resit the course several times, free of charge, and you have lifetime free access to a weekly seminar. As a result of what I learned on the course and through attending the a couple of resits, I am now consistently profitable in my trading. However, if you are thinking of trading you should be aware of the fact that it is not easy and that most amateur traders who trade without without proper training lose all or most of their money within the first six months. Trading is a skill that takes time and determined effort to learn, and it requires the development of the right mind set. So, perhaps the criticism of Knowledge to Action comes about as much through people’s unrealistic expectations of trading and of themselves as through anything else. It is not a get rich quick and easy scheme but, in my experience, if you make the effort to learn and apply what you are taught on the Knowledge to Action course, and if you take advantage of the ongoing support that Knowledge to Action offer, you have a very good chance of success.
I went to one of K2A’s free “seminars” last year. Before I went I spoke to one of them on the phone and told him that I’ve been trading for a few years already and that I would only like to attend if I could get some info on their advanced strategies. He promised me I would. However, I ended up wasting a Saturday morning listening to their aggresive sales pitch and getting absolutely no useful tips. Afterwards the guys got really rude and dismissive when I told them that I would not sign up for the course. I asked one of them for their contact details so I could call him during the week to discuss the advanced strategies I was promised over the phone, but he told me, and I quote: “I don’t give my contact details to people who waste my time.” Pegue? They get me there on a Saturday morning under completely false pretences, and then they tell me that I’m the one wasting their time! Absolutely unbelievable.
Stay well clear!
I have also been on the initial 2 day course, paid over £2,000, only to find out that to get the really productive trading strategies, you need to spend a further £15,000. The 3 strategies they teach on the 2 day introductory course are OK, but the promises they make about making 500 pips per week, are reliant on signing up for the additional courses (at a cost of £15K) and learning how to trade stocks and futures as well as forex. This really is a business that sells training more than selling trading. The guys who run the bootcamps aren’t traders and don’t go out of their way to make sure that you understand what you need to do to be productive at trading. I truly believe that trading can be lucrative, but there are other courses out there that cost much less and give you just as much knowledge. If you are using ETX Capital as your broker, they run weekly webinars run by a company called Trade with Precision. These are well worth attending, they are free and they give you a great deal of insight and good clear explanation of the strategies for trading.
Mark & ​​# 8211; good tip, the £15 k course seems V expensive, I went ona 2 day course last week, tried 2 of the strategies made some and lost some this week, in 5 days 50 50, it is a big learning curve, it is not bad. It takes descipline and commitment. after all no one has become rich from working at an easy pase. Allan Sugar busted himself to be where he is. if anyone wants to make it rich, unless you win the lottery, otherwise have to work very HARD. and have a plan.
saying all that I am going to use the suggestions given on this blog site to get further into it. muito útil.
Wow, really good reviews. I think I will take it slow then. 2K+ is not an easy money to come by. My summary of the review is Knowledge to action is not a scam they are just (to be kind), over enthusiastic. Like Baz rightly said, money comes through HARD work. I think I will take the slow path to learning and the cheaper path too and see how things go…thank you all.
OK, I’ve been on various courses with K2A – Stock Ex and also FX.
The reality is no matter who’s course you go on, and what strategy you buy you will NOT be making millions by week 6, or within a year. The simple fact is this is like a new business start up. You are learning a new skill that like any new business means a lot of hard work and effort. Don’t waste you money on signal services that tell you when to trade. So if you are not prepared to work hard – and it IS hard work trust me – or you think you are buying into a ready made money-making strategy, then save your money and go and work in Tescos. I have been giving this a go just under the year now, and I am learning that you MUST have discipline, you MUST backtest and prove to yourself that any strategy works. To try and merely apply what they tell you without any other rigour WILL NOT work. It’s exactly the same if you bought a franchise with no understanding of the business you’re buying, costs, etc etc. So my tip to anyone is – if you are doing this as a sideline hobby and you don’t need to rely on the income – ótimo. If you need to do this as a business to earn money – also great – but do not expect returns that you can live on for at least 2 years, and be prepared to work your bits off. . treat this as a Masters degree. And no I’m not paid by K2A. In fact I’ve done a course elsewhere too, to get a different perspective. Finally never listen to anyone who guarantees they will make you millions through this. It can be remunerative but you must follow rules. There is so much more than you will pick up in the 2 days course. . and the learning never stops. Am I profitable yet – no – breaking even – but it is slowly coming – and that is after a year.
Sorry for long reply but that’s a realistic perspective I hope.
Final tip – if you haven’t checked out babypips web site – then I strongly advocate you do before you sign up to anything. Boa sorte a todos.
I did the basic training for £2k and found it interesting but when I tried to get some one on one training, for which I had paid extra, the girl assigned to me was never available. After trying several times I gave up and wrote it off to experience. Another point I haven’t seen mentioned here is that they are also getting income from your trading, if you do any, because they introduce you to Sharescope, eSignal etc. They seem to change who they work with so they can e-mail you and churn you into their new partner, who clearly pays them a percentage of each months fee. Best avoided I think.
Hi Guys, Well after reading these reviews i feel absolutly gutted as i went to a free seminar with K2A and put a deposit down for base course (end of day trading-equities i think), and like a lot of you thought with some hard work i’d be able to work my way to a good living-Bugger!! I now hope i can get some if not all my money back.
I found babypips really interesting reading but it also gives an insight into how much learning is involved!
Does anyone know if it is actually possible to earn ok off end of day trading as i feel if it is it’s worth a go as you can work at slower pace than in real time like with Forex?
Am i just wasting my time!
Definetly not K2A but if any tips on how to do end of day would be apprieciated!!
Thanks for all your posts, I think you have saved me from making a big mistake! I went to seminar 2 weeks ago and signed up for training 7/8th May but luckily gave them my wrong bank details as I was unsure of whether it was trustworthy or not. I will not be doing the K2A course for 2K now, thanks to all!
I attended the two day course last year in June 2010, and had the momentum coaching sessions. The trader recommended books. He was quite honest with me, and said he is an idependent trader who Knowledge to Action call in. The rom is full of people, never quiet. What surprised me is on the Jobcentre website it read from Knowledge to Action – Want to be a trainer in stock and share trading NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!
I emailed the trader about this – I never got a response. They are Trainers in Sales NOT Traders in my opinion!
I think some of these posts are pretty unfair to K2A, some from people who haven’t actually done the courses. I agree completely with Steve W (March 6th 11). This is genuine and no scam, although you can no doubt argue about the actual cost versus value of it. Personally if it was only about £1k I think there would be absolutely no argument it was good value for the right person.
I did the 2 day equities trading course at £2k last Spring, then traded for about 8 weeks, putting in a fair amount of effort, had a break in the summer and then traded steadily again from Sept till Jan. If I had managed my risk slightly better I would have been 40% up over this period when the market was mainly trending upward, and I was hitting 2% gain many weeks. When the market retraced twice I lost most of my gains, but I put that down to my inexperience/lack of discipline not the system. I was getting a tad cocky and had too much exposure just at the wrong times, and left trades open on a couple of days I couldn’t access the internet (just when the market retraced of course!). The system certainly worked fine in an uptrending market.
Since Xmas the market has been trading choppily within a range and it seems much harder to make money, although I’m sure more experienced traders are. I’ve not done much trading therefore myself waiting an easier market until I’m better at it. However I’m still about 10% up on the account, although I haven’t earnt back my course fees yet.
Yes I think K2As material is perhaps a bit pricey, but there is no doubt it is genuine, this is no scam. I certainly learnt to identify winning trades and my risk to reward ratio was working fine. Had the market uptrend continued I have no doubt I’d be well ahead now and very happy, but it’s harder to gain confidence and profits in a choppy market. Had I started a few months earlier I’d also be home and dry now probably. Some of my trades were the same as the trader/coaches so I could see they were no doubt making very good money some weeks. One of the K2A coaches said it took him a solid year trading to get proficient, and broke it down very well into 4 periods which made sense with my own experience, and put me currently half way there.
The weekly e-seminars are sometimes excellent, I save them all for future use, and although I only took up one of the 3 follow up 1/2 hour coaching sessions I actually got almost an hour with an excellent young trader, which helped me a lot. And they extended the 3 month time for the follow up coaching to 7 months with no quibble as I couldn’t do it over the summer. You can also get on the email list of one of the trader/coaches too, which will keep you updates on some good trades in addition to the weekly e-seminar thing.
I think in fact I have already got fair value, as it taught me a lot about reading charts and using stop losses, which has almost certainly paid me back on normal equity investments as I have a fair portfolio of shares but was not so good at managing my risk there, and very green at reading charts properly.
As Steve W says you won’t become a millionaire overnight, but if you plug away at this and read plenty of trading books etc I’m fairly certain many people can make this work (nothing can be guaranteed to work for everyone). K2A in fact emphasise it is just like starting a business, and they’re quite right (I’ve done start ups myself and sold out, plus been a non-exec for others). You need to keep a detailed spreadsheet showing your exposure daily and record of trades so you can analise your trades to see where you are going right and wrong. I also keep a paper slip filed for each trade. Discipline in both routine and record keeping is essential. In practice you seem to need about an hour a day plus 2-3 hours weekly to cover the e-seminar and reviewing the markets/sectors, at least to start with.
I haven’t done any other trading courses although I am thinking of trying the naked trader one (which is really a slightly different thing anyway), so I can’t compare with others. I did go to a free seminar for another (cheaper) company and I could see their trading approach was very simplistic compared to K2A, definitely well inferior.
I think if you have the right attitude, discipline and determination you can get value out of the K2A course, as there is plenty of good stuff and the weekly output is very good. But as with all things shop around, someone else may well be better value. However, don’t expect a lot for £500!
A plus point I think for K2A is their emphasis on discipline and risk management, as I’ve looked at info on other trading websites which don’t seem to emphasise it quite so much. To get high probability trades you must look for exactly the right criteria, then master your own personality on risk management!
Finally whilst K2A did sell their other courses, which any business would do, I never had any hard sell and never any issues with customer service. It seemed to me a professionally run set up. The full set of courses to make you a millionaire did sound a bit like bullshit, but I doubt many people do them. If you can’t work from the basics and build on them with your own initiative I doubt you’ll ever be a millionaire anyway, however many courses you buy! I suspect the basic FX course is much like the equities (I was watching part of one through the glass walls whilst waiting for my coaching seminar), you need the follow up weekly stuff and plenty of other reading, plus discipline to make it work. The weekly seminars in fact cover both equities and FX so I suspect I could more or less recreate the FX system from going back through them anyway. Once I have really mastered the equity trading I will certainly consider their FX course, especially if I could negotiate the price down a bit.
So don’t knock K2A too much, especially if you haven’t tried it or put in at least a years solid effort afterwards. If you can afford £2k and are really committed to learning trading, but are starting from scratch, you could do a lot worse. If you’re not willing to put in 6-10 hours a week for a year to get results don’t waste your money (but you’ll probably never be rich by any other route then either). If you instead start trading a £2k account on spreads without training you will almost certainly loose it all, so you’d be better spending it on a K2A course!
I think solidbloke called it right. The FX course is shiny, well produced, but ultimatley delivers weak content. Like a $100 million CGI blockbuster film with no plot. You certainly could get MUCH more bang for your £2.3K buck.
No, its not without some merit if you are a complete beginner, but there really are much more solid introductions to currency trading than this at far less cost.
Perhaps the emphasis on reaching FX newbies, by fake job adverts, through lifestyle newsletters etc, is essential to their sales. Perhaps they know that there’s no point peddling their wares to those who have been involved with trading forums, blogs, or websites. Such people would know that the FX training niche is rather well populated, and there are literaly hundreds of systems, courses, mentorships and masses of free resources out there in cyberspace. K2A need to find those who are ignorant of alternatives and have no experience of traders beyond pictures on men in loud braces on the telly. Their ideal customer is someone from an entirely unrelated work background who is jealous of those nasty bankers & thinks you always get what you pay for !
The whole endeavour has a purposely “executive” feel, promoted as a top end product. Brilliant marketing; I think thats what they must have got their wawrd for.
I know someone who worked on the customer services team for K2A. She claimed they get tons of angry refund requests. If people do have unrealistic expectations of whats possible, at least some of that wishful thinking can be laid at their gung ho tutors’ doors. The one we had was very proud of his claimed monthly income. I thought it was much more likely this money came from his teaching fees than his trading, as he was very shaky on using even simple indicators.
After doing this course, and with no prior experience, someone would really be an unarmoured slave with a plastic sword going in to the gladiatorial arena of trading. We all know the odds are stacked against us, and the K2A bravado is no substitute for real weapons to use in engaging the market.
I cant remember the stats, but its something like 95% of all market participants lose money consistently in the long run. A large majority of newbie traders blow their accounts in less than three months. The first directive of any instruction on the markets must therefore be “how not to lose money”, rather than emphasising “how to make megabucks”. Of course, the latter makes a much snappier headline on the sales brochure.
JohnB you mention discipline & risk management, and these are indeed explained on the course. However, then you get to the “strategies” and at least one of them utterly breaks the 1:1 risk reward principle.
A strategy that works only in sweet little trending markets isnt much of a strategy, to be honest. Most techniques will work, given the right conditions. The skill of a trader is in understanding how the market is behaving dynamically at the time, and applying the appropriate approach, which may well be to sit it out. Sometimes the best trade is the one you refuse to be tempted into.
If you had used what these guys suggest in the years 2002 – 2007, you might well have done OK. We had a sustained period of growth across just about every type market, with long flowing trends. Post credit crunch, things are much tougher.
Another particular gripe of mine against K2A FX training was the 30 minute Skype sessions with traders. Yes, it is interesting to chat with someone experienced, but it has to be emphasised that these sessions are retrospective. They are autopsies of trades that failed at an earlier time ! They are NOT live trading rooms, or ideas for great new trades. When a trade goes wrong, you can always come up with a “reason” if you try hard enough. Hindsight is generally useless in life, and especially so in trading. Yes we all regret being suckered in by the false breakout or the trend that went nowhere, or the pattern that failed to play out. Boo hoo. Tough cheese. Have you learned anything ? Will you deal with the same situation differently next time ? We can all pick out perfect entry & exit points knowing what eventually transpired, but that is of no help in deciding what to do at the time.
I suspect that the 1 on 1 sessions have more value to K2A than the delegate. They are pschologically reinforcing the idea that you need more expensive training, and mentoring from… guess who !
Having been on a number of courses, and having a yardstick for comparison, I’d value the 2 day FX course at £150. Oh, maybe another tenner for the nice coffee, free pen, and cute eastern European assistants.
Actually, there is a positive take away from all this. It means its very possible to have a thriving, lucrative, training business based on a few moving averages & a snazzy logo.
Isnt free enterprise wonderful ?
Oi & # 8211; i went on this seminar the other day – and I have to say they were very aggressive in their sells pitch – which I have to say was pretty shocking…….I attended on a Saturday morning – If this system is so good how come they are working trying to sell it on a Saturday morning – shouldn’t they be on the golf course.
Juddy79. Were you at the Ilford seminar on Saturday ?
I went to a free seminar in November and, having been interested in the course, signed up at the time (£2.3k). The next morning, I needed to clarify a couple of things and that is when the fun started; their website fell over when I tried to log in, when I called them I was redirectyed to an answering service, the person at which didn’t have a clue as to what was going on and kept telling me that the office was closed and no-one was there etc etc. I then called the salesman who was at the seminar on a mobile phone number he gave me and the number was unobtainable. There were just too many bad vibes coming of it. Needless to say I pulled out immediately and got my money back under the “7 day cooling off” regulamentos.
They may be genuine and I called them on a company holiday day but it was a scary situation.
If you want to learn to trade there is plenty of free tuition on the web; just search it out, be patient and don’t expect to be a millionaire by next week. Oh, and get yourself one or two demo accounts so you can practice before you stake any real money.
Solid advice Peter. Need to be really on your guard with such intense sales people.
Okay I have just been on the Knowledge to Action Forex course this week –
Initially I was very sceptical.
I signed up following the ‘free seminar’. This was essentially a sales pitch, but it does contain some useful info.
I had a bit of a background in stock trading before looking to make the crossover in to Forex, and I knew what I was getting in to.
There were some key aspects to the free seminar including useful tips on risk management (which is key) as well as some outline strategies. I managed to corner one of the Knowledge to Action group representatives and dig a little deeper in to their trading systems and saw value in what he was saying – So I signed up.
Then the fun started. There is no denying that the ‘back office’ of knowledge to action is terrible. They have one person running the whole support, and she is clearly overworked by miles. They have full classrooms (60+) 3 days a week and expect that one person to deal with every support query. Não vai acontecer.
I had trouble logging in to their set up website, as my user ID and password didn’t work. I tried calling several times – reached an outsourced call centre that takes messages. I didn’t receive a call-back that I was promised (several times). I sent 3 emails – none were replied.
At this point I was thinking… oh god… scam.
So I called the personal number of a knowledge to action sales rep who was at the ‘free seminar’ and he was very helpful. I told him what was going on and he said he’d find out what was going on. I soon received a call from their office and was told they were having system trouble ect – which was probably true in fairness.
The sales rep called me back to make sure everything was okay, which was very nice of them, and my mind was put at rest.
note – even after the course my ‘graduate website’ loggin is still not working properly.
I was still negative when I arrived at their business location in London for the course. However after taking the course, I was clearly in good hands.
The course was taught really well. Even though it is technical stuff, the coach that taught my group was incredible. Presented the theory well, keeping to the point and making it light hearted.
The systems and strategies taught were very easy to follow and effective.
The coach placed live trades in front of us (some people copied his trade on their laptops) and he made substantial gains.
I spoke to full time traders who were doing well, and they were very open and honest about what goes on at Knowledge to Action.
It is a trader coaching factory. Not everyone is successful. The returns can be incredible, but expect to put a lot of work in to achieve it.
Trading (in my opinion) is 20% knowledge, 80% attitude. You need the technical skills which K2A teach, but the attitude is up to you. This is the big part.
You need discipline to place the trades correctly and not be reckless, and know when to get out at the right time and not be greedy. As a trader you deal with really deep human emotions. When you’re risking your savings and future prospects on the markets, it can get to you.
It takes a while to learn how to cope with what you will experience and no classroom can teach you all of that. It is a balance of skill and experience, as with most things in life.
In summery – I felt the course has prepared me very well to trade the financial markets. Yes, the up selling is there. I’d love to take the advanced course but I can’t afford it atm.
I’ve only placed 3 forex trades since starting the course. Made 40 pips. On my £600 trading account, that means about £20 profit. Even then, I was bending the rules they taught, as you really need at least £1000 to manage risk effectively.
Is this life changing? Too early to tell. I am confident about placing trades and feel like I’ve got a solid platform to begin my journey trading forex – and to be honest, I’m happy with the outcome.
Is it worth £2400? Eu não sei. If given the choice to go back in time, I would do it again, but maybe there is a cheaper alternative out there.
O comércio de Forex não é para todos. My advice is doing ALOT of homework. Read the material on babypips (that is where I started). The more knowledge you have going in, the more you will get out. It is a big investment in yourself and I borrowed the money from a couple of sources to put myself on the course – So it wasn’t exactly easy for me to fund it. Let’s just hope I can make it back (and more!!) in time.
Support and customer service: *
(Though that one person trying to support thousands of customers is really nice)
Value for money: Too early to tell.
I did the 2 day traders course in December 2009 and repeated it (free of charge) again in January 2009.
Being completely new to trading (although I had invested in the stock market in my younger days) I found the course fascinating and couldn’t wait to place my first trade.
I started with a ‘notional’ £3,000 account size which I reduced fairly rapidly to £2,000 as I felt more comfortable with a potential loss of £20 rather than £30 on any 1 trade. However, I learnt fairly quickly that I only needed to keep £1,000 on my account with MF Global to fund 3 to 5 trades at a time.
My first year of trading found me about 10% down – some months up, some down. I made a resolution that until I had gained back the cost of the course (£2K) I would not ‘invest’ in any further TU courses.
I’ve read pretty well all the books, including all of Malcolm Pryor’s, been on a Naked Trader seminar (good but very different), but have not traded for several months while the markets have not trended well.
I have recently purchased the KTA FX DVD set (‘Special – few days only – offer!’) and I have to say that it provides a very thorough coverage of the principles behind fx trading and the psycholoical demons which go with it.
The strategies taught are covered in detail and have been back tested to the extent that they are demonstrably successful. However, it still takes a heck of a lot of knowledge, skill, understanding, insight, resolution and whatever to know when to act and when not to.
I feel that after 2 years of consideration as to whether I was conned or not, I have to say that I would never have started down this road, let alone got this far along it, without doing the TU course.
Will I get rich? Not a chance – not because of anything wrong with the TU course – it’s just that I’m not that keen to be rich, and at 69 years old, I’ve got a decent house, no mortgage, kids grown up, and my pension seems to pay the bills. Yes I’d like a South American cruise, but I travelled the world in my job so don’t really want to spend any more time at Heathrow.
Will I carry on trading? Sim & # 8211; but I’m doing back testing and calculating draw down probabilities to improve my chances of success. One thing is clear – increasing your risk per trade from 1 % to 2% has an enormous effect on the time it takes to lose your shirt. Win to lose ratio and percentage wins are important but nowhere as much as percentage risk. Have a look at:
It is perhaps a shame that the courses are advertised as a ‘never work again’ esquema. Both courses I attended had people on it who had paid good money but almost certainly were not going to make it. TU themselves say publically that a great many people in the room will never place a trade, and I do not know any one else from the course who is still trading.
That is not the fault of the course, and yes, if you know what you are doing, you can get an equivalent amount of knowledge elsewhere for a lot less money, but being psychologically fit to be a trader is a bit of a challenge and an enormous barrier to most people. Being careless with you money by taking excessive risks or trading deliberately or inadvertantly against the rules can reduce your precious savings very rapidly indeed.
All the arguments about hard sell and difficulty in getting refunds may well be valid, but at the end of the day I still tune in to the ‘mid week market focus’ to get a handle on what the TU guys are doing. They are mostly very smart cookies, and although they may not be seasoned traders (they would hardly work for TU if they were), they will probably be rich before you and me.
Most people would do far betting sticking the course fee + their savings in a decent hedge fund.
I went to one of the seminars two days ago and was almost sold on it. So lucky I found this blog, thanks to everyone who took the time to tell they’re story. I won’t be buying into it.
I registered for the free ‘Trader’s University’ seminar in Glasgow this week. When I arrived to sign in, the brief welcome chat (before the seminar) made me think I was wasting my time, as the host was obviously focused on selling their services above all else. His attitude was condescending, I had a coffee and considered my options – decided to leave. Having read the comments here I’m now thankful I did. However I was very disappointed as I am thoroughly enjoying the world of forex and shares, and really keen to learn as much as I can.
Attended a K2A free seminar at Canary Wharf Marriott last night.
Clearly a sales pitch but it is a FREE seminar. I fully expected to be sold something.
It provided an interesting introduction. They key messages for me were:
1. Risk Management.
2. Risk Management.
3. Risk Management.
At the end of the seminar I thanked the presenter and left. There was no attempt to press the pitch.
I have researched the company and am satisfied that it is not a scam. The remaining questions for me are:
1. Does it represent reasonable value?
2. Am I prepared to make the time investment to make it work?
A bit more reading will answer both.
I am sure if I decide to do the course the ‘only 5 places left’ discount on offer last night will be possible to replicate.
Just back from attending an introductory seminar on Forex trading. It included sign up now and save £1,000. I said I would think about it – have learnt through experience that you should sleep on it. Most impressive part of the presentation was the level of support they were offering – coaching and 1:1. However, the comments here suggests that is not always what it is cracked up to be. I will not be taking up the training.
I went to a free seminar in London from K2A. To be honest I was pretty convinced of taking the course even before going there…
not smart, because I didn’t really look at the presentation objectively.
I hadn’t really made much research about the company but it appeared to be the real deal. They offered there services in a bunch of serious job hunting webpages , and since they were supposedly biggest UK trading coaching company, and seemed to have offices in other counties too, I felt confident enough…
So I pay the GBP2500 incl VAT that the course costed with my credit card, knowing that if I found something weird about them before the course, I’ll just called the credit card company file a complain and get the money back.
On the tube back to my flat I started reviewing the presentation in my head on an objective way.
Regarding the things they teach, you can find all that stuff and more on series of books related to trading…
Probably even the ones from the “For Dummies” Store, (sad but true)
[url=dummies/store-search. html? query=trade]Product Search – For Dummies[/url]
I kept going back to the free seminar in my mind and remembered that the guys kept saying how the course was better for beginners, that people with trading experience tend to developed bad habits that make it harder for them to lern, etc etc etc…
I can see that this course either the stock or forex can open the mind of a beginner, but people there are many ways of opening your mind and it is easier to make a beginner think its wort it.
I can’t assure you wont make any money or that you wont learn anything at all as some of the things they teach like technical analysis, are tools that every trader uses, but I CAN ASSURE YOU that there are far cheaper and better options than this one!
And that don’t make you dependent of them or their software to “succeed”
So those were my findings regarding knowledge to action, and its people…
I have taken a look at your post and your revised version below and a lot of it seems pretty libellous. I’m not sure you’d be able to back up some of your claims. I have spoken to my legal department and they agree that some of your post could cause legal issues for us. Therefore we have moderated your post and have approved a condensed, no libellous version on the site.
thanks to all of your shared experiences, it makes excellent reading and adds perspective if you want to make up your mind about investing £ 2K in a training course with K2A and the likelyhood of you recouping your investment.
It sounds to me that K2A main stay is training not trading.
Your comments helped me make a decision.
Is Laurence (posted 17 June 2011) still reading this thread, because I think it would be very interesting to hear an update from him?
I get a feel that one or two of the comments about the negativity of most of the contributions could be fairly justified. I could be wrong, and feel that the best way to find out whether or not I am is to hear further from one or more of those who were more positive about it. Surely if their original positive conclusions were subsequently proven unjustified, they would have rushed to post further to tell us so, don’t you think? Or am I just being naively optimistic?
I went to a free session, and only refrained from signing up for the £2K course because I simply didn’t have the funds at the time, but am probably glad that it gave me time to think and breathe. However, I’ve recently started to think of resurrecting it, as I now can gain access to funds to get going at it. However, as this would be from borrowing, I really can’t treat this as a gamble, it has to be a solid chance to make money, and with that in mind, I can only get involved in an opportunity that is completely mechanistic in its approach.
At the time of that seminar, I was particularly impressed (maybe naively, I admit, but I don’t feel so) with the fact that it was stressed this was not for gamblers, and that it was highly important to remove not only sentiment, but also the temptation to take gambles in the hopes of getting high returns. It was clear that frame of mind was really, really important, the need to keep steady and stick rigidly to the rules of how much to put on, when to put it on, and when to pull out. In fact what was put forward as exactly what I refer to, a completely mechanistic approach, and of course, it takes significant self-discipline to keep to a mechanistic approach. Index Trackers utilise the same theory for trading the stock market, and generally exhibit far better results than portfolios “managed” on human instinct/judgement. If K2A are to be believed (and it sounded very credible) when applied to Forex, the mechanistic approach is even more robust.
I’m not convinced that all of the negative comments are not based either on folk who don’t have the frame of mind to keep to that discipline, who allow the combination of fear (of losing their fund) and greed (how will I ever get rich on modest returns?) or just plain sentiment to draw them away from the rigidity of the rules taught by K2A. Alternatively, as one other person said, they simply haven’t even tried it out.
in order to form a valid judgement. I may be wrong, but in order to decide whether I am or not, it would be really good to get an update from somebody such as Laurence who, at least initially, was more positive about it, and had produced modest returns from his first attempts. Would I be wrong or over-optimistic to think that, if it had really turned sour on him, we would have heard so by now?
I do recognise that even the most positive contributions confirm that the “support” that they promise is really poor, but I really have to wonder what support it is that folk are wanting – have the rules taught on the course not been completely clear? Have circumstances other than demonstrated on the course arisen? Or is it predominantly moral support, or the support to prevent them from straying away from the rigid rules, and thus lead them into unacceptable risk? Once again, I felt this was what Laurence was getting at, if I understood him correctly.
Lastly, is there not a role for More Money Review themselves to follow up on some of these more informed postings, as they have the member details, in order to add detail and thus value to the intial review? As it stands, other than confirming that K2A are legit, and what they actually do, there is very little in it to really tell us whether it’s an opportunity to embrace or to avoid, or to warn on suitable precautions if going ahead wiht a K2A course.
I would add to my earlier comment that, when I attended the free seminar, they never seemed to present themselves as anything other than a training outfit. They did say they actively put their principles into practice themselves to make money, but any trainer would always make that claim – who on earth would ever buy training from somebody who had never practiced what they preached? I feel it is glaringly obvious that you’re not going to spend your time providing training if you could be earning more money from using your time putting the training into practice. It doesn’t necessarily devalue the merit of the training or the ability to make money from following the training.
It may mean that a good long-term strategy for yourself is to get sufficient practice to enable you to make the move from doing to what may well be more lucrative training.
I have traded for over 12 years and can tell you that almost every trading course is sold by people who find it easier to make money selling courses rather than trading. I don’t know this course but wouldn’t be suprised if this is one of them. Before making any decision you would be advised to increase your knowledge about the difficulties of becoming a successful trader. This publication would be a good start –
“However, I’ve recently started to think of resurrecting it, as I now can gain access to funds to get going at it. However, as this would be from borrowing”
Pembo and anyone else thinking of borrowing money to gamble – DO NOT DO IT!
I agree with you absolutely! although my experience (EVERY SINGLE ONE I VE TRIED FAILED. ) HAS ONLY BEEN 3 YEARS.
Could have bought a decent Car with all the wasted systems and 3 blown betting banks!
With the true Power of COMPOUNDING, WHY WOULD ANYONE WITH 1/2 A BRAIN CELL – THAT HAS A PROFITABLE METHOD – ACTUALLY EVEN WANT TO BOTHER SELLING A SYSTEM OR TRAINING ETC? They could make far more money, even with compounding something that makes 50 to 100 points a week than ever they would by flogging it!
tom and jerry? come on boys, if your’re in this together you’ll to come up with something better than that! 🙂
What about Dave, Cleggy and Georgie? The story of how three Simple Millionaire ex Public School Boys got together and began to take the lambs to slaughter!
With their connections surely they could come up with a Trading system that really works!
Thanks for the advice, guys. I certainly agree with jerry, this was exactly the main issue that caused me to do a search to check these guys out in the first place: as you say, why train it when you can make money out of it?
As for gambling with borrowed money, I agree with that principle, but it depends whether trading is truly gambling. I think the person who could most validly answer that would seem to be jerry, or somebody else with similar grounding, but first let me tell you why I continue to ask the question.
Past history with stocks and shares provides plenty of evidence that speculating with suitable risk management strategies is not synonymous with gambling. For that matter, even construction companies make their money from taking project risk, and in both cases, the key is having suitable strategies for risk management.
The critical thing (apart from ensuring these suitable risk management strategies are strictly followed) for all investing strategies has always been how to raise the initial stake. However, after a period of at least 70 years (and arguably longer if you take a truly long term view) when the stock market, taken from a wide enough view, always, without fail continued an upward trend, with falls only being short-term glitches, it is now so unsettled, and likely to remain so for an indeterminate time, that Forex may well make a far safer avenue for investment, with strict rules for when and what to trade, and what limits to adopt, etc. If that is the case, and if the only way to get on the ladder is by borrowing, then there is nothing wrong with doing so, providing suitable precautions to limit the risk are taken.
So the big question is whether this is truly the case, and, given that there doesn’t seem to be any response from previous people who posted, such as Laurence, to advise whether they have found the strategies taught by K2A continue to work for them, and accepting the point that jerry made, then maybe jerry or somebody else with a similar level of experience can answer this for me:
You say you have traded (presumably successfully, because otherwise why would you keep going for so long?) for 12 years, so in that case, from your experience, am I right in this assessment, is Forex trading (with adequate risk management strategies) gambling or is it a valid form of investment to make money from measured and managed risk?
I fully understand that there is then the real biggy of making sure that you have the right knowledge and attitude to manage the risk and ensuring that you either maintain or improve on your original stake, and so have your borrowing covered, or have an exit strategy in place that defines how much loss is acceptable. I guess that’s what made the K2A offering attractive, but still…….
Oh Boy. i think i better think it out again.
Just arrived home after attending the free K2A traders seminar in Manchester. Sticking with the ethos of “if something sounds to good to be true it probably is” I was very sceptical about there claims and therefore googled K2A when I returned home. I must admit that I was considering attending the 2 day course at a cost of £2000 + Vat. Fortunately due to my scepticism I did not part with any money, but bought myself additional time by stating that I first wanted to discuss this with my wife. After reading these blogs I definately will not be attending.
I went on a course to their Chelsea offices, I really enjoyed the weekend, it was full of information and very slick and well presented. It is a shame the information just stopped and then they started pushing the next course on the Sunday afternoon. I felt I just needed to know a little bit more but then the sales talk started and the higher level course was expensive. We were also told that the instructor would be in touch with us the next week to see how we got on and to answer any questions, I never heard from him. We were also given 3 time slots to have a one on one with a trader, when it came to my time I was ready at the computer and I was told that I hadn’t booked the slot even though I know I had. The time then ran out for the other slots. Disappointed in their follow up procedure.
it is possible to make a living from trading but its not for everyone.
stocks and ftse or dow are not as volatile and dangerous as forex.
rather than spending 2.5k initially spend about 12 quid on amazon and buy thr book forex trading for dummies or i think there is one stock trading for dummies. it explains everything in a clear manner.
i am an ex trader made redundant in 1984 but always had the bug i spread bet forex and stocks but although i know how to trade there are thousands of strategies and people who willlflog you the latest cant lose system. my problem is i love trading but i dont follow a particular system and i am not diciplined enough. there are plenty of cheap bboks available also sign up to the free sites that supposedly advise. they run adverts or links for systems but often you get get good ideas from the free promorional videos.
Courses and seminars at weekends says it all, god forbid if they actually showed you some of there teachings when the markets are actually open, absolute joke.
Takes time and a few lost banks to get to any sort of trading level, better to put the seminar fees into a trading account and live and learn from your own mistakes.
I attended one of these courses, and whilst they make it appear to be an easy way to make money, in reality it isn’t so. If you also think back to when you were at college, when you were struggling to understand anything you could go back to your lecturers for additional help, as they actually want you to understand. If you need additional help you have to pay for it at Knowledge to Action. Whilst it is a genuine company, I feel they are more interested in selling training rather than ensuring that the trainees are successful.
Good old More Money review I always check everything I get drawn too here first. Didn’t expect to see anything about Knowledge to Action on the site as the e-mail was sent from Reed employment. I was getting tempted to go to a free seminar in Reading April 1st. What a fool I would have been no doubt.
Still 76 pips up at a pound a point on the return train fare and taxi money I have saved !!
And I agree with someone further down the link. If they havn’t got the guts to stick at least 10k (not a lot to someone who has made millions) of their own money right in front of your eyes on their own knowledge forget them.
A company like this would know the power of this as a selling tool and use it, if they were capable.
Rick, and others.
I don’t know what level of Trading knowledge you have but there are two excellent FREE Sites with huge amounts of information, and both have been reviewed very positively on MMR recently. So if you are not familiar with them i suggest when you have some spare time you head over to;
A few years ago a salesman at IG Index tried to get me into CFDs. The spiel was just follow their recommendations. They gave me a dummy account to try it out. From 7 tips 5 were bad losers and I mean BAD. The 2 winners just about broke even and if it had a real account with fees and commission I would have been in the workhouse. All about making money for themselves on commission which was payable on all trades, even the losers.
IG Index is no fly by night company either. Needless to say I did not join up. The salesman involved told me that CFDs were the way ahead, and as for forex trading, that is a no-go unless the trader is really well off and can take heavy losses. His view was that for every 2 losing trades 5 winners would be required to break even. It’s gambling and started with bored well off stock traders betting each other.
That is why I don’t trade forex and never will.
The courses available are How To Do It with no guarantee that profits will be made, but that profits could be made.
As for the prediction programs well anyone can predict. It’s like predicting whether Chelsea will beat Spurs.
It is a pity that so many people commenting above have invested so much time and money in such a high profile rusty nail K2A.
Stick with Grace Cheng and her DAILYFX website and sign up to one of the online courses offered if you can get on one if you want low cost and knowledge.
Having unfortunately been on one of K2A two day seminars I can tell you that there’s NOTHING they teach which will help you in FX or Equities.
As for value for money they really are a joke. There are much better, more comprehensive and less expensive information sources out there.
Go check out reviews of GregSecker and K2A on forexpeacearmy and run! Run AWAY!
I went to their seminar recently, and did not find anything useful for the amount they were claiming for the course, as I have been trading for some years now.
They followed up their sales pitch with telephone calls, text messages, but I was reluctant to spoend all that money for the information I could obtain free.
Mr. Secker is very clever and has made lots of money with successful marketing.
Trading is easy once you get to grips with it – but it takes time, lots of time, and experience can only be gained from loosing.
In the beginning trade with very small amounts get a feel for the market and learn to take charge of your emotions (very important).
Do not pay fortunes for training or useless education. There are no guarantees in this business – there are however some great trading videos on youtube and there are all “FREE”
I’ve registered for a free seminar in gateshead. Having read these posts I am quite looking forward to it. I have absolutely no intention to sign up to any other of their courses so it should be quite a giggle.
Thanks, I sat through a taster freebee, prior to a free seminar and was quite impressed. Having spent a whole day googling all the options and reading the forums, I realise that:
a) you have to have the right mindset to trade effectively.
b) you learn best from your mistakes (losses)
c) you may as well check out the free advice on the web and save any course fees to use in your learning to trade account.
Thanks to all contributors.
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Oi John Não haverá nenhuma sugestão nesta página. A tabela da Liga Tipster é um & hellip;
timmie | 3Feb18 | Mais oi Tim, pode precisar esperar até segunda-feira, pois não tenho acesso ao administrador e ao hellip;
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timmie | 3Feb18 | Mais oi, boa pergunta e simplesmente é porque é um serviço novo, por isso tem sido & hellip;
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